Around 7.5 billion people live on the Earth in 2020 and according to the United Nations, we will be 8.5 billion by 2030 and not less than 11 billion by 2100! This population growth will have a significant impact on actual global issues such as poverty, nutrition, health or job opportunities. In this human’s growth perspective, only one house is possible: the Earth planet because its true: “There is no Planet B”! (according to Mike Berners-Lee). However, global issues already arise since many years around food, water, energy, resources on land and below water or climate change.
So, how ensure prosperity for everyone in the world while protecting the planet?
If 17 goals could be enough to transform our world?
These 17 goals are the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) adopted by 193 states in 2015. (Click here to discover our posts dedicated to each SDG). They could be gathered in 5P: People, Planet, Prosperity, Peace and Partnership. The SDGs cover the economic social and environmental dimensions of the sustainable development which is a “development that meets the needs of the present without compromises the ability of future generations to meet their own needs”. Behind these goals, there are 169 targets linked together which permit to identify the most relevant objectives for the many different types of actor who can contribute to reach the SDG’s by 2030.

Where these goals come from?
In 2000, 189 states signed a global agreement in which they committed to achieve the 8 Millennium Developments Goals (MDGs) by 2015. These MDGs aimed to eradicate extreme poverty, promote gender equality and reduce child mortality, … These goals, mainly social-focused expired in 2015 and the achievements have been uneven in the world. That’s why the UN developed the SDGs in covering the 3 dimensions of the sustainable development, as part of the 2030 Agenda: a 15 years plan to reach the 17 Goals!
Who can act for the SDGs?
For-profit organizations (companies), non-for-profit organizations (NGOs) and public organisations can integrate the SDGs in their activities. And to generate the movement necessary for the unprecedented changes that coming, everyone must be in action: youth, civil society, academia and individuals: each citizen can contribute in its day to day life! Students like us too, that’s why ODD&THEKEDGERS is born, our student project in action to reach the SDGs. (Click here to read our project’s article: ODD&THEKEDGERS in action to reach the SDGs!)
Are we on the right path to reach the SDGs?
Progress is being made worldwide thanks to the commitment of many different types of actor! However, progresses are not advancing at the speed or scale required … 2020 needs to be a decade of strong and ambitious action to deliver the SDGs by 2030!
Like them, join the SDG movement. This communication campaign by The Global Goals demonstrates international commitment to these 17 issues.
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