During our journey in Zagreb (Croatia), ODD&THEKEDGERS has met organizations from different fields: a private organization, the Croatian Chamber of Economy and an NGO. We have finished our cross-sectorial meetings in the Croatian capital with the NGO sector represented by The Croatian Institute for Corporate Social Responsibility (IDOP), where we have virtually met Miss Darija Sesar, Project Leader and Social Media Manager of the Institute. Founded in 2015, IDOP is a research and consulting organization of two full-time employees and six external associates. Its mission is to develop Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and promote non-financial reporting through independent research, education and sharing of good practices. Let’s discover more about their activities in this article!

Overview of IDOP in the field of CSR and beyond
The Croatian Institute For CSR… Let’s take a step back and look at the NGO’s name: all is written, you just have to read to perceive how the organization operates in its field of activity. This Croatian Institute is “for CSR”, which means that it is dedicated to the education and the development of Social Responsibility applied in Companies. In this regard, as explained by Miss Darija Sesar:
“In order to have a holistic approach through sustainable development, companies should equally include environment, societal and economic dimension. How? Through education.” - D. Sesar
To improve the sustainable development process, IDOP works extensively with the private sector through various educational programs aimed at the Croatian companies and its employees and through the production of the non-financial reports for the companies who have the reporting obligation (Directive 2014/95/EU). (Click here to learn more about non-financial reporting at IDOP). Furthermore, as precised by Miss Darija Sesar during our interview:
“When a company thinks about sustainability in a holistic way, it really can also bring financial return.” - D. Sesar
Apart from the non-financial reporting, IDOP is actively engaged in various EU projects, primarily as a partner. Through the EU projects, IDOP educates various target groups about number of topics, while paying special importance to the CSR. These projects permit to boost the Social Responsibility of the Organizations (Organization Social Responsibility) and Individuals (Individual Social Responsibility). Therefore, we can say that IDOP is working through different channels on the Sustainability, which is consistent with the way they promote the CSR in the business community in Croatia:
“At IDOP, CSR and Sustainable Development are not just another project or initiative. We believe that these terms should be integrated in the core of every business and be the foundation for the value creation. In this way, CSR and Sustainability are not just “another component”; they become a standard and the right thing to do.” - D. Sesar

Through its activities, IDOP contributes to Agenda 2030 and its 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). As stated by Miss Darija Sesar during the interview, it is complicated to distinguish SDGs that resonate particularly within the SDGs matrix for IDOP. The reason for that is the fact that these topics are reasons for IDOP’s existence, it can only make sense in the whole matrix.
At this stage, you have already perceived that all the SDGs really matter for IDOP. To illustrate to what extent, we will now put forward some of the NGO’s sustainable projects.
Organization Social Responsibility through some sustainable projects
In this part, it is important to list the values that IDOP exercises in its work: commitment to excellence, morality, professionalism, teamwork, transparency, innovation, creativity... It is of utmost importance to take note that transparency is a crucial value for IDOP. Having in mind the mentioned values, we can now make the IDOP’s Organization Social Responsibility (OSR) more concrete with some of the sustainability and CSR projects that IDOP has been part of:

First, GoSport, a European project aiming to encourage social inclusion and equal opportunities by improving good governance in sports . This project takes place in Greece, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus and Italy.
(Click here to learn more about GoSport)

Second, SHOUT, a European project aiming to strengthen innovation capacity and transformational role of HEIs, SMEs and NGOs when dealing with complex problems presented in Sustainable Development Goals, to develop innovative sustainable solutions through inter-sectoral cooperation model and to enhance sharing of knowledge between different stakeholders.
(Click here to learn more about SHOUT Project)

Third, sociSDG, a European project aiming to achieve greater awareness and knowledge of adults, companies and decision makers when it comes to the measurement and the implementation of social SDGs to business strategies, as well as the overall topic of sustainable development connected to the SDGs. (Click here to learn more about sociSDG Project)

Fourth, HI4CSR, a European project aiming to contribute to the realization of the strategy Europe 2020 by equal involvement of European universities, consulting companies, CSR organizations and decision makers from different countries for the purpose of creating sustainable, stable and inclusive economic growth.
(Click here to learn more about HI4CSR Project)

Fifth, GT4SME, a European project aiming to support SMEs, the backbone of the global economy, for sustainable growth and transformation. This project permits to increase SME-educators’ capacities in four main topics “Incorporation of Positive Impact Values”, “Internationalization”, Digital Transformation” and “Financial Access”.
(Click here to learn more about GT4SME Project)
To go one step further, now we will highlight a project that Miss Darija Sesar has chosen to present us during the interview. Let's discover the World's Largest Lesson in Croatia!
Focus on a specific project commitments for sustainability: the World’s Largest Lesson in Croatia

This project is a model of the World's Largest Lesson (Click here to learn more about this global project) applied in Croatia. The project’s purpose is to bring closer the Agenda 2030 and the SDGs to kids and youth in Croatia through the interactive educational content, workshops, seminar, study visits, etc. A quote regarding the project from our interviewee Miss Darija Sesar:
“The best way to learn and to grow is through game and fun!” - D. Sesar
To learn more about the World’s Largest Lesson in Croatia and understand it through the SDGs matrix, let’s discover the GOOD PRACTICE SHEET we have done supported by 3 TOOLS!

Could the Croatian Institute for CSR (IDOP) be your next experience?
Beside the purpose to make Kedgers (Kedge Business School’s students) aware of the Sustainable Development Goals, ODD&THEKEDGERS aims to inform the managers of tomorrow of responsible opportunities abroad in the associative, private and public sectors. That is why at the end of our interview with Miss Darija Sesar, we have not hesitated to ask some questions for you in order to know to whom this organization could turn for a professional experience abroad.

As the organization that actively operates in Croatia, it is very helpful for IDOP that its staff speak Croatian language. Furthermore, IDOP actively seeks for the EXTERNAL ASSOCIATES depending on the needs of the various projects they implement. In addition, if you are an international student at Kedge Business School, then the project that might be of an interest for you is SHOUT. As part of this project, IDOP will coordinate several international students whose countries are part of the SHOUT project to do SHORT INTERNSHIPS in the Croatian companies, particularly in the field sustainable development, CSR and non-financial reporting. (Click here to discover the partners of the project). If you believe that CSR and Sustainability are key challenges for the companies, it could be a great opportunity abroad!
Precious words of Miss Darija Sesar for the students that we are at Kedge
Before leaving, let’s soak up our interviewee's advice!
“Educate yourself constantly, broaden your horizons and be open minded, the world is changing rapidly, and it needs us.” - D. Sesar
References: For more information, please visit the following websites:
World's Largest Lesson in Croatia (Facebook page)