During our journey in Athens (Greece), ODD&THEKEDGERS met several organizations that have a positive impact on reaching the sustainable development. Our second meeting was totally in adequation with this statement and you will understand to what extent in this article dedicated to QualityNet Foundation (QNF). We have met Chrysoula Exarchou, co-founder of the organization QNF created in 1997, a not-for-profit organization of 8 employees, totally self-financed!

QualityNet Foundation’s evolution
From the systemic approach of sustainable development with management systems (mainly for businesses) to the holistic approach of sustainable development with the rise of social responsibility of companies (Corporate Social Responsibility), organizations (Organization Social Responsibility) and individuals (Individual Social Responsibility), the activity area has changed. QNF, as each organization, had to adapt its activities to this varying environment. In 2015, the SDGs proposed by the United Nations have appeared in the framework of the 2030 Agenda, and these Global Sustainable Development Goals have become the QNF reason of being. After reorganizing its strategy in a holistic approach of sustainable development that integrates the SDGs, QNF had firstly supported the original group of the business community in this approach of sustainability. Then, QNF has integrated the new stakeholders (organizations & individuals) with several programmes aiming to raise awareness, educate and mobilize these groups. Today, QNF acts as a multi-stakeholders organisation to foster a sustainable future with the development of different approaches depending on the stakeholders group. Evolution in the approach, evolution of stakeholders … but always consistent with the NGO original mission to contribute to the sustainable development !

Here we are: adaptation to a varying environment, this challenge concerns all of us ! At the individual level or at an organizational level, our world changes all the time. Indeed, QNF, after having adapted his own organisation, supports the Greek society to do the same in this adaptive journey. Regularly, QNF reports the state of play of each type of stakeholders and widely of Greece, with regard to the maturity and implementation of the SDGs. In the last few years, the results shows that the SDGs that resonate particularly in Greece are:
SDG3 - Good health and well-being, SDG 4 - Quality Education, SDG 11 - Sustainable cities & communities, SDG 13 - Climate action

Organisational overview through the activity pillars
QNF operates as a platform of networking, development of structured thematic dialogue and mobilization of stakeholders composed by 2850 Companies, 250 Local Authorities, 360 NGOs, 4500 School units & 22000 Active Citizens; through the following activity pillars.
Firstly, the NGO acts as an accelerator for the 2030 Agenda and the SDGs by monitoring their implementation in the Greek society, organizing the national awareness campaign In Action SDGs Week (Click here to visit the campaign's website) and supporting the development and the implementation of national and regional strategies.
Secondly, QNF develops initiatives and institutions by leading the very known Bravo initiative (Click here to visit this institution's website), a 10 years old initiative in Greece that award the best sustainable initiatives in the Greece market, supporting organizations with its sustainable development toolbox Initiative Sustainable Greece 2020 (Click here to visit this initiative's website) and carrying on the In Action for a Better World initiative (Click here to visit this initiative's website).

Thirdly, QNF supports entrepreneurship by (1) Monitoring the impact from the businesses’ operations with the Sustainability Code, (2) Linking responsible entrepreneurship to sustainable financing, (3) Developing stakeholder engagement, (4) Developing and implementing social intervention programs, (5) Being included in international networks of responsible suppliers, (6) Supporting business profile with the recognised Sustainable Company European Logo and (7) Showcasing responsible entrepreneurship with for example the Bravo initiative
Fourthly, QNF provides education on sustainable development in primary and secondary schools by providing educational programmes from, for example, the In Action for a Better World initiative, organizing schools competitions, …
Fifthly, the last QNF’s development but not the least ! The NGO establishes the Sustainable Development Scientific Centre, the scientific arm of QNF composed of 4 institutes (Governance & Policy, Circular Economy and Bioeconomy, Responsible Consumption and Education & Training) by linking scientific research and documentation for sustainable development to practice. (Click here to visit this initiative's website).
Through its activity pillars, QNF contributes to reach each SDGs. Precisely, Mrs Exarchou has pointed out during our interview the SDGs that resonate particularly for the NGO in the SDGs matrix:
SDG 4 - Quality Education, SDG 17 - Partnerships for the goals

At this stage, you have already perceived that QNF is also fostering sustainable development by strengthening the involvement of all groups (Companies, Local Authorities, NGOs and the School Community). Today, the NGO notes that all groups combined, the five priority goals that are the most implemented, are:
SDG3 - Good health and well-being, SDG 4 - Quality Education, SDG 10 - Reduced inequalities, SDG 11 - Sustainable cities & communities, SDG 13 - Climate action

To go one step further, we will highlight in this part an initiative that Mrs Exarchou has chosen to present us. An initiative quite easy to understand because of this In-Action practical approach, that everyone could lead as an active citizen : let’s understand to what extent!
The In-Action initiative to promote the SDGs within the Greek society and beyond
This initiative launched the In Action for a Better World initiative, a diverse program developed in the second activity pillar presented above, which aims to raise awareness, educate and mobilize on the SDGs with the motto that the participation and coordinated efforts of everyone are required to fulfill the vision represented by the UN SDGs. It was distinguished by the European Commission at the 2019 European Sustainability Awards as the best NGO program for creating awareness and disseminating the SDGs across Europe. It is composed of 3 parts:
The EDUCATIONAL PART, (1) An overall educational approach on sustainable development addressed to primary and secondary schools based on the official educational programme of the UN, enriched with the Greek SDGs Library, experiential programmes and digital learning platforms, and supported by the teachers. (2) The Bravo Schools Nationwide School Competition to complement the educational process and showcase the proposals of children for a better world, while also acting as a wide- scale awareness mechanism for the Greek society.
The INFORMATIONAL PART addressed to businesses, local government, the civil society, families and active citizens, with proposals for participating in actions and adopting responsible practices. (Click here to get into action now).
The COLLABORATION & ACTION PART addressed to local communities for their active participation in promoting the SDGs, by developing local interventions.

In combination with the global UN #act4SDG campaign, QNF organises a corresponding national awareness campaign In Action SDGs Week, consistent with the In-Action approach EDUCATE - INFORM - COLLABORATE & ACT of the In Action for a Better World initiative. This the specific project we have decided to detail, especially because it highlights the global SDGs week within a national initiative.

Focus on a specific project within this In-action initiative: the In Action SDGs Week!
What particularly gathers QNF and ODD&THEKEDGERS during the week from 18th to 26th of September, 2020? The SDGs week! As the common point to have the SDGs as a reason of being, this week is definitely making sense for both of us. But the action week for the global goals should make sense for everyone! That is one of the main challenges of the In-Action SDGs week. To understand this project clearly, let’s discover the GOOD PRACTICE SHEET we have done, supported by 3 TOOLS!

Could Quality Net Foundation be your next experience?
Beside the purpose to make Kedgers (Kedge Business School’s students) aware of the Sustainable Development Goals, ODD&THEKEDGERS aims to inform the managers of tomorrow of responsible opportunities abroad in the associative, private and public sectors. That’s why at the end of our interview with Mrs Exarchou, we have not hesitated to ask some questions for you in order to know to whom this organization could turn for a professional experience abroad.
QNF agrees to develop cooperative actions with a group of students from Kedge Business School and a selected group of students from Greek Universities: Pro-Acters or Kegde’s Associations, here is an opportunity to collaborate! Otherwise, QNF can host students for internships, if you are interested in this activity area, it could be a great responsible opportunity abroad!
Precious words of Mrs Exarchou for the students that we are at Kedge
Once again, before leaving, let’s soak up our interviewee's advice!
“Be practical. What I realized is there is a gap between the business community and the government & societal community in order to realize what is the real implementation and the benefits of sustainability. It’s easier now, businesses are coming closer to sustainability because of the new Europeans' directions about sustainable finance; but it is the beginning of maturity, companies still need to feel what they have to gain with sustainability! So you need to be practical in order to know what it can mean.” -C. Exarchou
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