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🇬🇧⎪10CLOUDS shares its IT skills to deliver solutions that benefits the society

Writer: Fabian CollinetFabian Collinet


Tenth interview for ODD&THEKEDGERS, a virtual appointment at 10CLOUDS the 27th of November 2020 with Ewa Jozefkowicz, Content Marketing and Communication Manager of the company. Thanks to a team of 140 people experienced as developers, designers, project managers, … 10CLOUDS is a top international software development and design house based in Warsaw, using Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) solutions. In the market for 11 years, 10CLOUDS serves clients throughout the world, mostly in US and Europe, that are looking for help developing and designing a software application or mobile app. By working with high-profile clients like PINTEREST or MASTERCARD, the IT company is always looking for new activity areas!

10CLOUDS helps clients to build digital products that change the world

10CLOUDS creates inspiring digital products through a wide range of services. In order to provide functional and effective Web & Mobile development and design, the company offers its skills and abilities in Machine Learning, DevOps, Blockchain, FinTech, … as well as Managed projects or Staff augmentation. (Click here to learn more about 10CLOUDS’ range of services). With the statement that “every client is unique”, 10CLOUDS tailors its approach to meet each digital product vision. Its key to success? An Agile development process, particularly useful in this period of Covid-19 pandemic! (Click here to learn more about 10CLOUDS’ Agile process). As explained by Mrs Ewa Jozefkowicz during our interview :

“We work in an Agile process. It means that we manage the projects in very short terms by breaking projects down into small tasks and planning work in intervals called Sprints, which are usually 2 weeks long. It’s definitely helpful [during the pandemic] because it helps not to panic and focus on small things to achieve step by step.” - E. Jozefkowicz

Also useful in 2020, the 10CLOUDS’ activity area of development and design because a large part of the staff used to work from home, even before the pandemic, on projects worldwide. This international presence has permitted 10CLOUDS to gather many success stories over the years. Among the products the company has helped to sent into the world, we can quote Wishu, a social application for creative freelancers, the Forbes Dashboard, an intuitive web tool that can be used by both Forbes’ staff and clients or the very current Covid19 info verification platform, a platform that get a list of relevant web pages that discuss topics related to Covid-19. (Click here to discover in detail all the 10CLOUDS’ case studies)

Through this overview of the 10CLOUDS’ services and achievements, we perceive to what extent the company is considered as a fast growing technology company in Poland and beyond. If the 10CLOUDS’ leading position is no longer to be proven in the technology sector with awards issued by different organisms such as DELOITTE in its programme “Deloitte Technology Fast 50 Central Europe 2017” (Click here to learn more about this programme), the company deserves also to be put forward for other reasons such as its commitments for sustainability to discover in this second part!


At this stage, you have certainly already perceived that 10CLOUDS is well placed to contribute to the SDG 9 - Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure by the nature of the organization, that’s the case! In addition, Mrs Ewa Jozefkowicz has pointed out 3 others SDGs during our interview on which the company tries to focus particularly on its activities:

SDG 3 - Good health and well-being, SDG 4 - Quality education, SDG 8 - Decent work and Economic Growth - SDG 9 - Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure

Here, 10CLOUDS brings a good example on the process of how a business can align its strategies to the SDGs. In fact, after the step (1)Understanding the SDGs”, the way 10CLOUDS tries to focus on particular SDGs by asking itself where are its current impacts and where could be its potential impacts in the SDGs matrix through its services proposals : this corresponds to the second step of the journey which is (2)Defining priorities”. Currently at this second step, the next steps that could ideally occur at 10CLOUDS would be the (3)Setting goals”, the (4) Integrating” and finally the (5)Reporting & communication”. (Click here to learn in details the Guide and its five steps to implement the SDGs in business). Both the importance of the SDGs matrix and defining its priorities in it have been well presented by our interviewee in its presentation :

“The SDGs matrix is definitely helpful, it globally gives us the areas where we should focus on. Not all the companies in the nature of what they do are able to fulfill some of these goals, it’s important to know that. Therefore, it’s good to connect somewhere your company could have an impact and focus the work you do on it. At 10CLOUDS we chose those 3 [SDG 3, 4, 8] because it’s where we think we could make a real difference. About the others, it’s important to know them but there’s probably not that much we can do about it for the moment” - E. Jozefkowicz

To illustrate to what extent, we will now put forward some of the company’s sustainable projects.

10CLOUDS’ Corporate Social Responsibility through some sustainable projects

Social Responsibility is something that 10CLOUDS consciously builds in its strategy, which is reflected in the company’s commitment to the 10 principles of the UN GLOBAL COMPACT and consequently to the 17 SDGs, which are derived from the above principles. CSR is also reflected within the 10CLOUDS’ values that are (1) Effectiveness, (2) Humanism, (3) Responsibility, (4) Autonomy, (5) Progress and (6) Creativity. These commitments in mind, it is time to make 10CLOUDS’s Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) more concrete with some sustainable projects the company has achieved or is achieving.

First, the Lite ID app for TRUST STAMP, one of the 10CLOUDS’ biggest projects that deals with biometrics in technology. The main idea has been to create a platform for secure sharing data. It represents a key for helping people to meet their basic needs in order to realize themselves. Thanks to the app, the user can generate a mobile version of its ID after comparison between the official government documents and a face scan. Its use ? Particularly in African countries where a lot of people don’t have ID, which means that they are unable to access a lot of services such as banking, ensuring, … (Click here to learn more about the Lite ID app for TRUST STAMP Project)

Second, the free to use IOS application SmogDog created by 10CLOUDS that tracks the quality of the air we breathe. This mobile app permits to generate awareness of the effects of highly polluted air and to help people stay healthy. Its use ? Measure and predict the level of smog where you are and when it reaches a critical situation it sends you an alert : crucial for people suffering from respiratory conditions that are able to stay home on the worst days in terms of pollution. (Click here to learn more about the SmogDog app)

Third, the IOS application GlucoseMama, one of the health care projects for which 10CLOUDS contributes that connects pregnant mothers and medical experts. This is the first digital therapeutic system for gestational diabetes (GDM), which affects up to 10% of expectant mothers during pregnancy. It permits to guide the mothers with day-to-day management and tracking of GDM, to motivate and to educate them on what to eat. Its use ? Combined in simple screens all the details related to logging blood glucose, all the details related to carbs tracking and eating recommendations, with rewards at every major step taken by the user. (Click here to learn more about the GlucoseMama app)

Fourth, the last but not the least, 10CLOUDS partnered with the MożeszITy Foundation for the CodeAbility Hackathon, happening in the next few days between the 11th and the 13th of December 2020.

Its purpose ? Support young adults with disabilities to enter in the job markets ! As a company they donate 50 zlotys to the foundation for every person who joined the CodeAbility Hackathon. But this is much more than donating money, 10CLOUDS shares its skills in this project to deliver something that really benefits the community in Poland and beyond. To understand to what extent, let’s discover the CodeAbility Hackathon through the SDGs matrix in the GOOD PRACTICE SHEET we have done, supported by 3 TOOLS!

An upcoming project of the company: Tech To The Rescue!

Concerning the upcoming projects, our interviewee has chosen to present us something that started recently but where they want to do more in the future : the Tech To The Rescue movement ! It is a voluntary movement of tech companies in Poland to support NGOs in the delivery of their mission. As explained by Mrs Jozefkowicz during our interview:

“A lot of NGOs have reduced budgets, especially in 2020 with the Covid-19 pandemic, and they are searching for help. Some Polish Tech companies as 10CLOUDS are willing to volunteer their time and services to support them to reach their goals. On the platform Tech To The Rescue, NGOs can receive support to reach out specific projects by finding a tech partner and start to work together!” - E. Jozefkowicz

If they don’t really know what sort of results it is going to bring, the philosophy of partnerships and shared resources to implement digital solutions in non-for-profit and non-governmental organizations in order to scale up their activities is definitely promising! (Click here to learn more about Tech To The Rescue)


Could 10CLOUDS be your next experience?

Beside the purpose to make Kedgers (Kedge Business School’s students) aware of the Sustainable Development Goals, ODD&THEKEDGERS aims to inform the managers of tomorrow of responsible opportunities abroad in the associative, private and public sectors. That’s why at the end of our interview with Mrs Jozefkowicz, we have not hesitated to ask some questions for you in order to know to whom this organization could turn for a professional experience abroad.

10CLOUDS offers INTERNSHIPS and several POSITIONS in all types of development (front-end/back-end development, machine learning, mobile application, software, …) and all types of design (UX Design, Product design, Motion Design, …) (Click here to discover the current positions and the recruitment process). If SDGs awareness is not specifically a selection criterion, 10CLOUDS has a big focus on making sure that the candidate has the right culture of the company. Don’t forget that CSR is part of the 10CLOUDS’ culture. A good starting point if you want to land this great opportunity abroad is to soak up the 6 company’s values available in the link above. For further information, all is mentioned on the company’s website!

Precious words of Mrs Jozefkowicz for the students that we are at Kedge

Before leaving, let’s soak up our interviewee's advice !

“Technology is definitely the future but there are many things in the world at the moment that are a real problem for the future generation, specifically climate change, which is a huge one… but also so many other societal problems, poverty, distribution of wealth… If someone is looking for a career in technology it's really useful to take part in things like Hackathon because they can really bring in some meaningful changes.” - E. Jozefkowicz

“In the case you have few business experience when you’re leaving university, you can always take part in a voluntary initiative like the CodeAbility Hackathon that makes a real difference, you can be sure you will have had new skills…” - E. Jozefkowicz

Concerning our President Emmanuel Macron’s speech saying that it is difficult to have 20 years old in 2020, our interviewee reminds us :

“It helps to realize that building a career is a long game. It's really valuable to build your skills now and spend your time studying because it will be a better time at the end and when things will be improved you need to be ready : it’s not the time to discourage yourselves!” - E. Jozefkowicz



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